You should use TTThumbsViewController
instead of TTPhotoViewController
. There's a good example of it in three20 TTCategory sample app.
also uses a photo source, so you won't have to change that much code. Your Photo viewer should extend TTThumbsViewController
and implement theTTThumbsViewControllerDelegate
delegate functions.
You can load the photo source in your viewDidLoad function:
/// - (void)viewDidLoad { NSMutableArray* photos = [NSMutableArray array]; for (int i=kImagesCount;i>=1;i--) { Photo* photo = [[[Photo alloc] initWithURL:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"bundle://%d.png", i] smallURL:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"bundle://%dt.png", i] size:CGSizeMake(400, 400)] autorelease]; [photos addObject:photo]; } self.photoSource = [[PhotoSource alloc] initWithType:PhotoSourceNormal title:@"Select Picture" photos:photos photos2:nil]; }